Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jim Rome Clone Report by Greg in Sun Valley

                              Happy Birthday Jim Rome!

Summary of today's Jim Rome Show

Jim started out giving the rundown of the show. He said he had and open phone first hour. He then corrected himself by giving himself a manual buzzer. Alvin followed that with a portable buzzer. Rome said Tony Gonzalez would be a guest in the first hour.  Jim told Alvin to restart the show. The music played and Jim restarted, saying he was using his one "mulligan" he gets a year.


Rush Limbaugh as a part of a group looking to buy the St. Louis Rams.
   Rome said, "Sometimes doors will open up for you if you're Rush Limbaugh and sometimes they will slam shut. Sometimes it's great to be Rush Limbaugh, and sometimes it's not."  Jim then explained that the NFL owners are a private group and don't have to let people they don't want in regardless of their celebrity or money.

Cleveland Browns
   Brady Quinn has put his home up on the market. The trade deadline is a week away. Jim said, "He'll probably pull a Braylon Edwards and morph into Joe Montana wherever he ends up."

Instant Replay in MLB
   Jim said, "They have instant replay in MLB. Just not nearly enough of it. Expand the reviewable list."

New York Jets
   They are still dismissing the wildcat offense as a gimmick.  Rome said, "Stop crying about the wildcat. You got owned."

   Giants player, Antonio Pierce said playing the Raiders felt like a practice or a scrimmage. Rome commented, "Raider week has become a bye week."

Vanity Plates
   Vanity plates have become a topic on the show the last few days. One from a while back was "NICETRY"  on a Corvette. Then yesterday there was "OMGFAST" also on a Corvette. Today a picture of one was sent in from a Ferrari that said,"UWISH". Jim said,"That is strong."


A caller ended his call by wishing Jim Rome a happy birthday.
Later, Kyle Brandt gave Jim a list of people with the same, birthday, Oct. 14th. On the list were: John Wooden,  Joe Gerardi (same year), Ralph Lauren, Roger Moore, Houston Nutt, Usher, and Dwight Eisenhower.


Tony Gonzalez (Atlanta Falcons TE )
   Tony said he was excited to be in Atlanta. It was tough, however, to leave Kansas City. Jim asked him if his career ends without a Super Bowl ring would he be okay with that?  Tony said he would be. He spoke of how good the league has been to him and said he wouldn't change a thing. Rome asked him about QB Matt Ryan. What sets him apart from other young QB's in the league that aren't having the same success? Tony said he felt it was Matt's work ethic. Tony called Matt "the hardest working guy on the team."

Tom Curran (NBC Sports, ProFootball
   Jim asked him about the Rush Limbaugh ownership bid. Tom did not think it woul happen.  He feels the owners would shy away from someone who has engaged in "divisive speech" regardless of their politics. Curran said the same would go for an Al Sharpton making a bid to buy an NFL franchise.

Text Contest

"Hey Jim.  I know some fool who had a license plate that read "NVTHIS". Envy this...on a Ford Escort! What a tool, swear to God." Rich in Sante Fe

"Hey Jim. My plates on my 2002 Kia read "X911OP", signed Mike Forbis.  Rome said, "Now you're making things up."

"Hey Rome. Not dead, can't fit! Regards, KB's youth large Affliction tee."

Triple U sponsor: "The tool trying to sell me stereo equipment out of the back of his van in the Best Buy parking lot."

Actual Triple U: "Rome, I applaud you're blood giving efforts At least I would if I could, yours, Def Leppard's drummer." Blaze in KC

Result: "I never though I would do it to you, Blaze. You're BLOCKED! You can still E mail, but you can't text.

The Jim Rome Clone Report is a  fan site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jim Rome or the Jim Rome Show.

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