Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jim Rome Clone Report

Clones, Comments, and Moments from Today's Show

Show Open

Jim started by saying the show has a "Quad Yeah" but now needs a "Quad Nooooo!" This was in regards to him not being ready when the shows opening bell sounded.

LeBron Watch

Rome started with the NJ Nets today. He talked about their new owner Mikhail Prokhorov having the angle that he can show LeBron how to become a billionaire.  Jim said he likes Prokhorov's swagger. Some quotes: "The Nets have never been more interesting than they are now", "Prokhorov is a baller!"

Later, Rome added that he can see LeBron, Dwayne Wade, and Joe Johnson all staying where they are.

E mail: "Dear Jim, So far, the free agent signings are uneventful. Signed, J. Stew's vacation." Brian in Syracuse.

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is probably going to have to pay his soon to be ex-wife Elin between $750-$830 million. Rome said, "...three quarters of a bil...with a 'B'.....What else is out there......What hasn't come  out already?......He's paying her to keep quiet.....something is going on..."

E mails:

"My bank account looks bad........I got taken to the cleaners. Baldrick."
Scott in the Bay

"Golf swing in shambles
Come on Elin give some back
Nickelback still sucks" - Craig in Tampa

J. Stew's Vacation

Call screener Jason Stewart has been on Twitter giving wooden and laconic comments about his vacation. Jim said J. Stew found an outlet in his home, ate "Good and Plenty", and asked if there were any good movies out. "That's why I don't follow you...," Jim told him.

Affiliate Announcement

The Jungle is back on in.....St. Louis! It's been about a year since Jim was on there. This announcement set off another round of St. Louis vs Kansas City on the phones, E mails, and texts!
Jim said he would take the first caller through from St. Louis.
Ryan in St. Louis......(Rome had to step in: "Oh...Ryan, turn your radio down.")
Ryan wasn't there. Jim had Alvin hit the "Price is Right" disappointing horns sound drop.

Tyler in KC sent an E mail along the lines of: "Welcome back to St. Louis. Signed, Unemployment, B.O., debt, self-centeredness, and Tony LaRussa."

Blaise in KC added, "You can't leave St. Louis callers on hold too long. They'll either get shot or arrested."


John in St. Louis
   He immediately started with, "...the cops are chasing me." He then added that KC sucks, and he asked Jim to promise him that he wouldn't talk Rams football.

More St. Louis vs KC E mails

A St. Louis E mailer wrote that he knows that saying something sucks is not a take. However, a take is an opinion. "KC sucking is a fact!..."

I lost count of which side threw this set: "...where....Childhood obesity, adult obesity, cars made in the 60's with a back seat full of kids over 5 with diapers on, with mom smoking with only her window opened so she could put out her arm with her skin hanging over the edge."

Mike in Chicago, non-7 wood user, chimed in. He's apparently from KC, but now is in Chicago. He called St. Louis residents "uncivilized alcoholics" and added, "War me punching St. Louis natives in the face..."

(Jim Rome said that's where he draws the line. He was rolling with the smack but didn't want any talk of violence.)

Unsavory Story

Jim relayed an unsettling story of a U.S. Airways flight where maggots were falling out of the overhead bin. It turns out a guy took some rotten meat on board. One passenger said, "It only takes one maggot to upset your world."

An E mailer commented, "Rome...I'm dry heaving and laughing at the same time."


Long time E mailer, Dave in St. Louis non-hunter, got in the final jabs in the border skirmish as a caller. He cracked on the local host previously on in this time slot, then made his usual cracks on the Yankees and Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez. He ended by taking a shot a Mike in Chicago, "...bring your weak smack to my face..."

Text Contest Selections

"Unwar bums using old, discarded "Etch-a-Sketch's" as I-Pads."
(Jim said, "You're BLOCKED!)

"If I had to take calls from St. Louis, I'd take 2 weeks vacation too....War Kirstie eating bums." (Blocked!)

Triple U sponsor: "The guy at work who keeps a traffic cone in his trunk to save his parking spot while at lunch."

The Jim Rome Clone Report is a fan site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jim Rome or the Jim Rome Show.

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