Vikings vs Jets
Jim started, "$20 million does not buy what it used to...." He went on about how the recent allegations about Brett Favre seemed to weigh on him during most of the game last night against the Jets. Rome continued, "...41 looked like the new 61.....Then it happened....the 'O'l Gunslinger' came alive.."
The "I told Percy I'd do this" sound drop was used as Rome talked about Favre's passes to Percy Harvin.
E mail: "...Are you sure that was Favre in the huddle...and not 'The Fonz'?"
Rome asked regarding Favre's off the field problems, "What's next...his wife hitting him in the head with his helmet.....and him crashing his tractor into a fire hydrant?"
Sports Songs
Jim talked about how they are usually not that good. His first example was..."the gold standard for horrible"...Cleveland's "Please Stay LeBron" song.
"I'm not new to this.....I already had this debate with Niems (years ago)," Rome said. He did, however, say that the new song about the San Francisco Giants wasn't that bad.
Later, the singer of that song called the show and Jim told us he was on hold. I never heard Jim go to him, though.
Craig in Tampa
Rome said something to the effect of Craig "killing it" or "dominating" on the E mails and Twitter. Jim went to read one, then said, "...I'm not going to read that..."
Steven Segal
"I'm the guy who says calling someone FAT is not a take....but if you're a world renown martial artist and action star....You can't let yourself go like that...," Jim said today.

The "Hack Off" participant and former "Flamian" called in. Jim said Fabian goes straight to the front of the line. Fabian called out Vic in NoCal, saying he should stop sending his "stupid.....Broadway" E mails and call the show. The lasting clip from this call was Fabian's opening "I ...Yuh!" It got played repeatedly after the call and during the E mail reaction.
Interesting, since Vic in NoCal vs Fabian started 5 years ago...Let's go to the video:
Interesting, since Vic in NoCal vs Fabian started 5 years ago...Let's go to the video:
E mails on Fabian:
"Rome. Was that Fabian....?...or did Alvie touch it up? It sounded like the 'Week that was'...."
"Romey! What was that sound he just made?"
"Rome. Fabian may not have a crown .....yet he calls the show, unlike Vic and Brad in Corona....refreshing, no script!"
".....war coherence." - Stu in Manhattan
"...You've got to tell Fabian to stop reading his call......'wooden and laconic'.."
-Steve in Connecticut.
Will in Tucson
He told Fabian to "..get a grip....Rosetta Stone..."
Text Contest Selections
"Hey...Don't forget my shout out on JRIB...Ray Ray."
Triple U sponsor: "Kooks who wish people a 'Happy 10/10/10 at 10:10 on Sunday."
Huge Call
The Jim Rome Clone Report is a fan site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jim Rome or the Jim Rome Show.
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