Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jim Rome Clone Report by Greg in Sun Valley

Clones, Comments, and Moments from Today's Show

$50 Charges?

Rome began with the news that Laker Coach Phil Jackson is paying $50 for every charge one of his players takes. Jim joked about how much the players make and about Ron Artest not taking any charges!
Jim then told us the story of how his uncle gave him $25 to go a year without candy when he was a kid. He then said, "...not a good enough exchange...I got jammed!"

Early E mails

"Hey Trapper. I'll give you 25 bucks not to call the Jim Rome Show for a year." Lee in Vancouver
(Jim responded, "You'd have to pay him 30 pieces of silver.")

"Tomorrow, tomorrow...can't wait for tomorrow. - Little Orphan Danny" Blaise in KC

The Quad BH?

Boston Celtic Glen Davis used the term "butt hole" during a response to a reporters question. This brought about the reset of others using this term. They were: golfer Boo Weekley, NFLer Steve Smith, and NBA analyst Kenny Smith. 
After a commercial break, E mailers came up with the "Quad Butt Hole" and told Jim to use it to replace the "Quad Yeah".  Jim played the four using the term all in a row, but said he would not replace the "Quad Yeah". "...wrong move...not happening...," he concluded.

LeBron on Larry King

Jim asked, "What? Andy Rooney didn't want any of that?" This led to a brief Andy Rooney impression.

Later, an E mailer in the 541 said that Larry King looked like a Muppet. Rome asked, "What part of 'people's appearance is not show fodder' do you not understand?" Jim warned him and said he was only saved by his E mail address, which was something to the effect of "Smokers suck @......"
A few minutes later, the same e mailer wrote in with a Kirstie Ally blast and BLOCKED!

Donte Stallworth Interview on JRIB

Rome replayed the interview from his TV show. He had asked the audience if they wanted to hear it. Many said no. Stallworth hit and killed a pedestrian while driving under the influence of alcohol. Jim said he replayed it to see if peoples' reaction would change. 
It did not appear that many minds were changed. People still expressed that he didn't get enough jail time and, perhaps shouldn't be getting another chance to play in the NFL.

The Jim Rome Clone Report is a fan site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jim Rome or the Jim Rome Show.

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