Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jim Rome Clone Report by Greg in Sun Valley

Summary of today's Jim Rome Show

College Football
   Orange Bowl
Georgia Tech's "song" this year was "All the Way Turnt Up".
Jim said, "Safe to assume they were not bumping this rockin' tune in the clubs in South Beach last night. (The song was played in the backround over and over with periodic 'Uh Oh's!' by Carl Lewis thrown in as Jim continued his take.) "...Not after Iowa locked up Georgia Tech and its vaunted triple option...all the way rolled up. all the way knocked out...That Iowa D was tapping Tech out...All the way jacked up. Uh oh!"

BCS Championship Game
Rome: "For me personally, Texas is and enormous Jungle team, but it's awfully hard to go against Alabama."

Randy Johnson
   "The Unit" retires.
Rome: "Randy Johnson, one of my favorite MLBers ever..."
Some of Jim's favorite Randy Johnson memories:
-The greasy mullet. Jim said, "He was a mullet pioneer."

-Jim, "How about his greatest achievement ever...eviscerating...obliterating that pigeon in spring training back in '01, and then, true to form, refusing to even acknowledge it this day, the most amazing thing I've ever seen in a baseball game...any game ,any level, anywhere

-The Rex Hudler story where Randy told Rex, "Swing the bat, puss."

-The deodorant commercial with Kyle Brandt.

-The incident with photographers on the street in New York. Rome: "My favorite part of that was when he told that photog, 'Don't get in my face."...and then admonished him, 'Don't talk back to me' like he was his son. A grown man telling another grown man not to talk back to him."

Video of my parody of Randy Johnson's encounter with the Photog

Gilbert Arenas
   Jim said today, "Gil. I know you think everything is a joke. This is not. You're playing this all wrong, Gil...Be smart about this. You're not. Stop making jokes about gun play."

New "Sport"
   Extreme Arm Wrestling
Rome: "It's when guys lock up like they're going to arm wrestle, but they don't try and slam each others fist to the table. They just lock up. They hold on and then they start to pound the crap out of each other...with their free arm...Just haymakers..."

Bluetooth Guy
   An E mail mentioning the passage of a hands free law in Oregon led to a war between "Bluetooth Guy" and "Non-Bluetooth Guy" in E mails and texts. Jim's take, "Those things are purely function. It's a form of function. It's not part of your look. If it's a part of your look, you're a tool...Bottom line, it's the calling card of the tool."


Chris Peterson (Boise State Football Coach)
   He thinks the win over TCU heoped continue to accelerate the Boise State program. Asked if he thinks they deserve a part of the National Championship, Chris said, "No. I don't think so." He went on to acknowledge the system and the BCS Championship game that takes place January 8th. Chris also said he trusts the system. We found out that a red shirt freshman had the responsibility to call or call off their fake punt play.

Tony Dungy (NBC, Former NFL coach)
   Jim asked him how his year has gone and if he missed coaching. Tony said, "You know, Jim, I really haven't missed it...I was telling my wife how fast it's gone...I am really enjoying Football Night in America..." He then said he did miss the players and coaches and interacting with them daily.
Of the Colts' decision not to chase perfection, Tony said, "Well, I think the decision itself was not that big of a deal."

Text Contest Selections

"Unwar guys that still have not figured out that you are not supposed to strike up a conversation with another guy in the bathroom for ANY reason.

"Van Smack, Here is an Orange Bowl haiku for you: All the way turnt up
                                                                      Hawkeyes spank the
                                                                      Ramblin' rec
                                                                      Let's kill that crap song"

Triple U sponsor: "Those stupid commercials with Luke Wilson" Kenny in Frisco

Actual Triple U: "I would love to try extreme arm wrestling but the problem is, I just can't figure out what to do with my other arm. Please advise. Yours, the guy from Def Leppard"

Result: "You're BLOCKED! Nobody's been more BLOCKED than you.
            I'm not going to read the E mail about Mike Shanahan and provolone."

The Jim Rome Clone Report is a fan site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jim Rome or the Jim Rome Show.

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