Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jim Rome Clone Report by Greg in Sun Valley

Summary of today's Jim Rome Show

Jim Rome's Facebook update: Almost 40,000 fans at the start of today's show.


Brett Favre

Rome: "I would imagine right about now the 'Ol Gunslinger is having a pretty painfull week...after wearing the Saints all day long on Sunday."
Jim dismissed Favre and Viking fan conspiracy theories that there was a bounty on Favre's head...and his knees. Jim said there's a bounty on every quarterback on every weekend, on every game, spoken or unspoken. "That's no news flash," he said.

Kurt Warner

Jim commented, "...It's hard to imagine him not retiring tomorrow. I don't see how he pulls together his family and his friends to make an announcement that he's coming back."


Gilbert Arenas' punishment

He was suspended for the remainder of the season. Jim asked if the punishment fit the crime. Then added, "...I'd say it does. I'd say, not only does it fit the crime for Gil...He's lucky it's not worse."


Ken in Sacramento called out Paul Shirley. The former NBAer, now a writer, made insensitive remarks regarding the people of Haiti.


Bob Huggins (West Virginia Basketball)
   Jim asked Bob how he was and Bob responded, "I'm wonderful Romey. I thought you forgot about me." It had been a while since the former Cincinnati Bearcat's coach was on the show. He is now at his alma mater, West Virginia. Bob feels like they have done a lot there so far. Asked if this year's group has a Final Four feel to it, Bob said he didn't know. He talked about having very good teams in the past that got stopped short due to injuries.

E mail

"Dear Jim, Did you see the Nets fans on their feet at the end of the game last night? That seemed a little excessive to me. Signed the countless rounds of applause given at the State of the Union last night." Myron in Madison

Jim acknowledged that he President gets a lot of applause during such speeches. He said, "...It's gotta make you feel pretty good, right?" Jim went on to say that he doesn't get that feedback...He just speads into a microphone. "I'm not a stand up comedian...I don't get that constant feedback.."
Jim then went on a rant about Terrell Owens with an applause sound effect going off periodically. As it went on, Mark Madsen's 'YEAH' was added to the applause...then Howard Dean's and Joe Namath's. Finally, Kyle Brandt's 'VAAANNN SMAAAAACK! was added as well. It was a funny bit with Jim in "speech" mode.


Ben Wallace (Detroit Pistons)
  He first talked a lot about the teams injuries contributing to their struggles. Ben himself says he is feeling good for the first time in a few years. He talked about being able to move around better. Ben is back to lifting weights before AND after games.  He is glad to be back in Detroit. Jim did bring up the possibility of teammate Rip Hamilton getting moved before the trade deadline. Ben doesn't want that to happen but said, "..Nothing really certain in this league."

George Karl (Denver Nuggets coach)
   George told Jim, "Your producer calls you Thee Jim Rome."
Jim brought up the trade deadline. George said it may be difficult for them to make a move with the luxury tax implications. He did say the Nuggets have gotten refocused in the last 6 weeks..."We've had a good January," he said. They talked about George's son who is in the NBADL and is doing quite well there.


Yours truly, your blogger, Greg in Sun Valley called the show today.
Some Facebook reaction:
Michael Luchies,"Good call by Greg in Sun Valley...too bad you got cut off."(time)
Donna,"That guy just talking in a monotone was sooo annoying!!!"
(Was she talking about me or Bob Huggins?)


I just joined Facebook on Monday when Jim Rome announced he did. I have found it a great way to communicate with other fans of the show. Already, I have become "friends" with Chad in Portland, Michael Luchies (Jungle Smack blogger), Anne Marie(She was at the C-Town station appearance by Jim and got on air with him in studio that day), and Steve in H-Town ( owner).

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The Jim Rome Clone Report is a fan site and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jim Rome or the Jim Rome Show.

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